Page 26 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 26
in their heart ensures that, so long as they are speaking, they do not de-
viate from Allah's commands, but proceed from a feeling of deep re-
spect, fear and love of Him. Such conscientiousness ensures that no
word falls from their mouths which might be contrary to the morality
prescribed in the Qur'an. Indeed, what is important is that, throughout
the time they are speaking, that they have this sincere belief and the
fear of Allah deep in their hearts. When he refers to such a political or
economic topic, he is yet mindful of these facts which constitute the
basis of his faith. He knows that there is no power other than Allah, that
Allah sees and hears everything, and that nothing can be kept hidden
from Him. This ensures that he speaks every word in a manner appro-
priate to a Muslim who takes refuge in Allah.
Speaking so as not to associate others with Allah
In this verse of the Qur'an, "Your Allah is One Allah. There is no
god but Him, the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful" (Surat al-Baqara:
163), Allah informs us that there is no Creator other than Him and no
other power to intervene for good or ill. Allah is the One, and there is
no power other than Him Who can guide human beings to the truth,
protect them and give them peace and blessings.
However, a segment of humanity is unaware of this truth. Some,
when asked, say that there is no god but Allah, and that they believe He
is omnipotent, but, because in their hearts they do not believe it to the
full, hope for aid instead from other people, or from a change in cir-
cumstances, or even such mythical powers as luck or chance. However,
neither human nor any other creation exercises any such power. As we
are told in the Qur'an,
... All might belongs to Allah... (Surah Yunus: 65)
Believers, on the other hand, are cognizant that there is no god but
Allah, that all glory and power are His, a truth which they sense de-
voutly and at every moment of their lives. They hope for help from