Page 22 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 22
grateful to Him. With the knowledge that all that happens takes place
for a divinely ordained purpose, they remember Allah and put their
trust in Him, whatever the difficulty. Consequently, throughout their
lives, and in everything they experience, they consider Allah and re-
member His name.
The devotion of Muslims to Allah is so that, no matter what they
might be in the midst of doing, it does not distract them from remem-
bering His name. The constancy of the faithful in remembering Allah is
referred to in the following verse of the Qur'an:
[Believers are] not distracted by trade or commerce from the re-
membrance of Allah and the establishment of prayer and the
giving of alms; fearing a day when all hearts and eyes will be in
turmoil. (Surat an-Nur: 37)
This steadfastness on the part of believers arises from their under-
standing of the truth revealed by the following verse:
Those who believe and whose hearts find peace in the remem-
brance of Allah. Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart
find peace. (Surat ar-Ra‘d: 28)
In the life of the world, there are many blessings from which people
may take pleasure; but none gives them the true peace and fulfillment
that comes from remembering Allah. Each of these blessings merely
gain value and meaning when they are accompanied with the remem-
brance of Allah, because people can only attain the morality that per-
mits the pleasure to be enjoyed from all such blessings in submission to
Allah, and in the awareness that it is He Who created them all and that
they are all under His control.
In addition, the Qur'an points out that remembering Allah often is
one of those secrets of the faith which provides believers with certain
successes and degrees of superiority:
You who have believe! When you encounter a company [from
the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah repeatedly