Page 17 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 17
The Importance of the Muslim Way of Speaking
cerning those who are insincere: "If We wished, We would show them
to you and you would know them by their mark and know them by
their ambivalent speech. Allah knows your actions." (Surah
Muhammad: 30)
Just as the manner of their speech reveals mean-spirited, ill-inten-
tioned or hypocritical people for who they are, so, too, does the rule
apply in reverse for people of faith, morality and who are good at heart.
Consequently, a person who has sincere faith in his heart speaks in a
way that is particular to the faithful, that is, in the way of the Muslims.
The Muslim way of speaking is one of the most telling attributes of be-
lievers that evinces their love of Allah, their attachment to Him, and
their respect and awareness of Him. Because of this difference, manner
of speech is one of the primary characteristics that demark the faithful
from unbelievers.
As recompense for their sincere belief, Allah assists believers to
speak in the noblest, most appropriate and sensible manner. A believer,
through knowledge of this truth, is more easily submissive to and trust-
ing of Allah. People who do not live fully by faith are more concerned of
the evil they hide in their hearts being revealed through their speech.
But, no matter what care they take, they cannot prevent their speech
from exposing them for who they really are. The Muslim way of speak-
ing is a trait acquired not from a technical study of language or of espe-
cial attention to one's word use, but from sincere faith. This is a law of
Allah, and an ability granted by Him to believers.
Another important aspect of the Muslim way of speaking is the fol-
lowing; Allah has imposed on believers the duty of communicating to
others His religion and the moral values which it prescribes. When be-
lievers, who live by the values of religion, and who are cognizant of
Allah's greatness, sincerely relate their feelings and thoughts to those
who are ignorant of religion, and who lead a life far removed from it,
this may help many to turn to Islam and their hearts to be filled with