Page 15 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 15


        tance of these matters, also living by it, who are true believers. Because
        their belief is sincere, the faithful speak in all instances, and at all times,
        while being conscious of Allah. In consequence, they will be able to say,
        as is stated in the Qur'an "come and read my book," as one "who is
        given his Book in his right hand" with a clear conscience (Surat al-
        Haqqa: 19). That is because believers are those who, being always mind-
        ful of Allah, live as Muslims in this world, and therefore, also speak as
            "The Muslim way of speaking" is speaking in all instances with the
        use of one's conscience, in the knowledge that Allah is present, that His
        knowledge is all-encompassing, and that, on the Day of Judgment, all
        will be called to account in His presence.
            The Muslim way of speaking is possible only by submitting oneself
        to Allah and the message of the Qur'an. After fully experiencing faith in
        one's heart, as well as sincerity and a sense of submission, one will come
        to recognize that it is Allah Who grants speech. Allah will inspire a per-
        son to speak in the way of the Muslims, and lead him or her to speak in
        the sincerest, most wise, effective and appropriate manner. As long as
        people are not sincere in faith in their hearts, they will not be able to
        achieve sincerity in their speech through superficial means, such as by
        simply paying attention to their words. To be able to speak in the wasy
        of the Muslims, it is necessary to live at all times with a faith and con-
        sciousness of Allah in one's heart.
            In this book, we will seek to encourage all to use the power of their
        speech in such a way as to be pleasing to Allah, by exploring the impor-
        tance of Muslim way of speaking as outlined in the Qur'an. By establish-
        ing the ideal of a Muslim's manner of speaking, as well as the apparent
        differences between it and that used by those who live according to a
        type of spirituality distant from Allah's true religion, we call upon all
        people to speak in a manner that is in compliance with the morality
        taught in the Qur'an.

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