Page 16 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 16

                    THE MUSLIM WAY OF SPEAKING

                   ith regard to people in general, one of the most important is-
           W sues in life is speech. Through it they express their views, their
           beliefs, their ideas and thoughts. Ultimately, much of that which they
           feel in their hearts, the thoughts they aim to hide, their desires, their
           ideals or fears, are also reflected in their speech. Therefore, whether or
           not someone's spiritual state is sound, or whatever level of intelligence
           or conscientiousness they possess, it will make itself evident through
           the words they use. From their language may be understood whether
           they are honest, sincere, and trustworthy, or dishonest, ill-willed and
           potentially a liar.
              It is a well-recognized truth that one of the defining characteristics
           of a person is his or her way of speaking. When someone is being
           judged, for whatever matter, generally, it is what they say which is most
           often taken into account to determine their level of innocence or culpa-
           bility. The job interview is a good example of this. Because employers
           often do not find the written material provided by the applicant suffi-
           cient, they opt to talk to them people face to face, to obtain information
           on them about various subjects in person. Such discussions help the
           employer form a better impression of the applicants' true character and
              The Qur'an, the Book that provides us with the most apt informa-
           tion on all matters, informs us that speech is one of the most important
           characteristics to bring to light a person's character. In a verse, Allah in-
           forms us that one's manner of speaking is an important factor in dis-

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