Page 12 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 12

Speaking sensibly and logically                          63
                Giving good tidings                                      65
                Speaking so as to arouse joy and enthusiasm              68
                Saying what is best                                      70
                Not speaking from the lower-self and
                from personal desires                                    71
                Speaking in a measured, courteous and
                respectful manner                                        72
                Speaking in a humble manner                              73
                Speaking with tolerance and forgiveness                  74
                Consulting                                               76
                Saying "It is as Allah wills, there is no strength
                but in Allah"                                            77
                Speaking well with one's parents                         80
                Not talking behind others' backs or gossiping            82
                Avoiding suspicion and slander                           83
                Not speaking in a mocking manner                         87
                Avoiding speaking out of covetousness and envy           89
                Not making empty and trivial statements                  91
                Not interrupting and speaking calmly                     92
                Employing a style of speech appropriate to the level of
                knowledge of the person addressed                        93
                Avoiding speaking hypocritically                         94
                Avoiding a way of speech which gives rise to doubts 95
                Avoiding a probing and prying speech                     97
                Avoiding statements that lead to evil                    98
                Avoiding obfuscation                                     99
                Not holding secret meetings                              101
                Speaking so as to defend and
                to support our Prophet (saas)                            103
        THE EFFECTS OF THE MUSLIM WAY OF SPEAKING                        106
        CONCLUSION                                                       110
        THE DECEPTION OF EVOLUTION                                       113
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