Page 36 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 36
Saying, "Who knows what benefit there is in it for me?," they at-
tempt both to recognize that there must be some ultimate good, as well
as exhibit to those around them how true believers ought to think and
speak. Because they have surrendered themselves to Allah, and em-
ployed behavior that demonstrates their gratitude and submission to
Allah, they enjoy the hope of reward in return for the morality they
adopted, both in this world and on the Day of Judgment.
Employing the Qur'an as a guide in speech
In the following verse of the Qur'an, "… This is a Book We have
sent down to you so that you can bring mankind from the darkness to
the light, by the permission of their Lord, to the Path of the Almighty,
the Praiseworthy." (Surah Ibrahim: 1), Allah explains that one of the
blessings conferred through the sending down of the Qur'an is that it
"brings people from the darkness to the light."
The Qur'an has been under Allah's protection from the time it was
first revealed to the present, and has undergone no corruption. It was
sent down as an admonition and a warning to people; for the faithful, it
is the source of healing, guidance and a mercy. Its words are the most
noble, they distinguish right from wrong, and guide those who follow
it to the true path.
Those who understand the divine wisdom of the Qur'an take it as
their guide. Since they have accepted the verses of the Qur'an with their
entire hearts, the morality expounded in it is always reflected in their
speech. At every stage of their lives, whether formulating a decision, or
speaking, or while offering an interpretation of something, they consis-
tently use the Qur'an as their guide. Therefore, their every word, every
decision, and every form of advice they are prepared to offer is in agree-
ment with the Qur'an. Those who speak by using the Qur'an as their
guide invariably participate in any conversation in the best way, be-
cause the verses of the Qur'an deconstruct and eradicate all errant forms