Page 38 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 38
Because they could not understand the verses of the Qur'an, which im-
bued the statements of our Prophet (saas) with their wisdom and effec-
tiveness, or rather, that they refused to accept it, they sought to foment
false accusations against him, such as that he was a magician or merely
a poet. In fact, as is the case with all human beings, it is Allah Who in-
stilled in the Prophets the power of their speech. In the verses of the
Qur'an Allah declared:
Your companion is not misguided or misled; nor does he speak
from whim. It is nothing but Revelation revealed. (Surat an-
Najm: 2-4)
As we can see in these verses, the words of our Prophet (saas) were
not only extremely effective but imbued with wisdom, because he re-
cited from the Qur'an, a book which is the word of Allah. The One Who
imparted the faith and influence to the hearts of those who listened to
his words and believe, was Allah. Those who fail to appreciate the
greatness of Allah fall into a grave error, by vainly seeking to gain in-
fluence and wisdom by other means.
Speaking in the knowledge of the certainty of fate
and of the truth that there is good in all things
Allah has determined a specific destiny for every living thing.
Everything people experience during their lives, or every task they un-
dertake, or every word they utter, was predetermined by Allah before
they were even born. Moreover, because Allah transcends time, the life
of all things is lived out and concluded in His sight. However, a person
who is bound by time can only experience life within it (in the order of
a calendar). Just as one who is 40 today has lived 40 years—assuming
the human lifespan is 80 years—his remaining 40 years have been en-
compassed in the sight of Allah. However, a human can only witness
and experience these developments through time, or within the 40-year
period ahead of him.