Page 84 - The Muslim Way of Speaking
P. 84


           nered and respectful comportment towards his parents. When the
           Prophet Yusuf (as) became the ruler of Egypt, he continued to behave
           modestly towards his parents:
              Then when they entered into Yusuf's presence, he drew his par-
              ents close to him and said, "Enter Egypt safe and sound, if Allah
              wills." He raised his parents up onto the throne… (Surah Yusuf:
              The Prophet Ibrahim's (as) way of speaking to his father, though he
           had wanted him to worship idols, is another excellent example for be-
           lievers. Despite his father's belligerence, the Prophet Ibrahim (as) main-
           tained superior morality:
              Mention Ibrahim in the Book. He was a true man and a Prophet.
              Remember when he said to his father, "Father, why do you wor-
              ship what can neither hear nor see and is not of any use to you at
              all? Father, knowledge which never reached you has come to
              me, so follow me and I will guide you to the right path. Father,
              do not worship Satan. Satan was disobedient to the All-
              Merciful. Father, I am afraid that a punishment from the All-
              Merciful will afflict you, and turn you into a comrade of Satan."
              He said, "Do you forsake my gods, Ibrahim? If you do not stop,
              I will stone you. Keep away from me for a good long time." He
              said, "Peace be upon you. I will ask my Lord to forgive you. He
              has always honored me. I will separate myself from you and all
              you call upon besides Allah and I will call upon my Lord. It may
              well be that, in calling on my Lord, I will not be disappointed."
              (Surah Maryam: 41-48)

              Not talking behind others' backs or gossiping

              Instead of telling others about their faults and defects to their faces,
           people of low morality talk instead behind their backs. These people
           have no desire of leading others in a better way, or of helping them to

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