Page 25 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 25
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
To describe the variety and richness
of life on our plant, scientists use a
special term: Biodiversity. This term
was adopted from biological diversi-
ty and includes animals, plants, fun-
gi and micro-organisms—in short,
all living things.
The term biodiversity is
now widely employed, but
contrary to what is often imag-
ined, it has only recently become a fa-
miliar term. No matter how far back in history one re-
searches the variety of life, the special term of biodiversity
entered scientific circles only in 1986. That year, the concept
was born at the Biodiversity Symposium held by the
American National Academy of Sciences and the
Smithsonian Institution. 3
Following that, there was a rapid increase in initiatives
drawing attention to the importance of biological diversity
and the need to protect it. Following the United Nations
Conference on the Environment and Regeneration, held in
Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, biodiversity became one of the
subjects of joint concern for all the countries of the world.