Page 20 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 20

The Error of the Evolution
                                                 of Species

                          that for people who use their intellect. And also the
                          things of varying colors He has created for you in the
                          Earth. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who
                          pay heed. It is He Who made the sea subservient to
                          you so that you can eat fresh flesh from it and bring
                          out from it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships
                          cleaving through it so that you can seek His bounty,
                          and so that hopefully you will show thanks. He cast
                          firmly embedded mountains on the Earth so it would
                          not move under you, and rivers and pathways so that
                          hopefully you would be guided, and landmarks. And
                          they are guided by the stars. Is He Who creates like
                          Him who does not create? So will you not pay heed?
                          If you tried to number God's blessings, you could nev-
                          er count them. God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
                          (Surat an-Nahl, 3-18)

                          Obviously the variety of life is a very considerable sub-
                       ject to be dealt with in a single volume. This book describes
                       the general outlines of that variety and what it provides us
                       with. It recalls some of the blessings too many to be listed,
                       even in general terms. In addition, it sets out some of the
                       verses about living things, and indications of the existence

                       and attributes of God, as described in Qur'an:
                          And in your creation and all the creatures He has
                          spread about there are Signs for people with certain-
                          ty. (Surat al-Jathiyya, 4)

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