Page 17 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 17
with their matchless beauty and meet all our needs with the
characteristics they possess, come into existence?
How do these millions of living species live in such per-
fect harmony with their surroundings and with one another?
To whom do the flawless features in each and every
species—estimated to number around 100 million—actual-
ly belong?
Evolutionists seek to answer these questions, and ac-
count for the origin and variety of life, by means of the the-
ory of evolution. They claim that life came into being from
inanimate substances, by chance and over the course of
time; and that the variety of life in some way arose from
single-celled organisms, as the result of natural phenomena
and random factors. Many evolutionists have supported
these claims ever since Charles Darwin first published his
theory, and have offered so-called proofs with which to
back them up. However, scientific discoveries have refuted
the theory of evolution time and again.
There are innumerable questions to which Darwinism is
unable to provide any rational and scientific answers. One
of the greatest problems facing evolution is the extraordi-
nary variety of living things, and the origin of these species