Page 16 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 16
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
Vertebrates, mollusks, arthropods, crustaceans and
dozens of other plant and animal groups play an important
role in the ecological balance in the seas, forests and land.
Were any of these to be absent, the processing of dead or-
ganisms into new sources of food would be interrupted, the
soil would become unproductive, the food chain would be
damaged. Habitats would disappear and as a result, all ani-
mals, plants and humans would disappear from the face of
the Earth.
We could cite more examples, but the lesson is always
the same: Humanity could not survive in the absence of oth-
er living things. Plants, animals, fungi and bacteria—in
short, all the millions of living species—are at the service of
human beings. In the face of this miraculous state of affairs,
a number of questions spring to mind:
How did the unimaginable variety of life on Earth come
into being?
How did these living
things that enchant our souls