Page 14 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 14
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
stunning perfumes and appearances; even this page that
you are reading at the moment...
At first, you may not see any connection between all
these objects, but take a second look. You will then realize
that all living things—as well as man's handiwork— are the
result of a glorious variety on Earth. The millions of species
of living animals, plants and members of the other three
kingdoms (fungi, Protista and Monera) that exist mostly at
the microscopic level, constitute an ideal environment for all
of your human needs to be met.
The Earth hosts millions of living species, from bacteria
and viruses too small to be seen with the naked eye to gi-
ant Sequoias, from minuscule beetles and midges to enor-
mous whales. Some 2 million different living species have
been identified to date, although it is estimated that there
are actually many more. There is practically no place on
Earth that is completely devoid of life. Wherever you may
go, from thousands of meters beneath the sea surface to the
highest mountain peaks, from the burning deserts to the icy
poles, you will encounter a variety of living species. The
many different environments on Earth offer very different
conditions: Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, coral reefs, marshes,
forests, meadows, deserts, rocky outcrops... No matter how
different their conditions may be, all play host to a wide
range of life forms.