Page 18 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 18
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
on Earth. The realization that there are insuperable genetic
barriers between species, the sudden emergence of life
forms in the fossil record, and the fact that living things pos-
sess organs and systems that are wondrous marvels of de-
sign unmatched by even the most advanced 21 century
technological progress, have all demolished evolutionist
Rather than admitting their mistakes, most evolutionists
have tried to salvage the situation by means of imaginary
fairy-tale scenarios. Yet evolutionists have no answer to the
question of speciation, which Charles Darwin described as
the "mystery of mysteries" and to which he long sought an
answer. And that despite the intervening 150 years and all
their intense efforts!
On the other hand, anyone looking in a sincere, unprej-
udiced way can clearly see that we live in a miraculous en-
vironment. Those bacteria, animals and plants that give rise
to such ideal conditions cannot have come into being by
chance. The fact is, every species on Earth is the product of
a sublime creation. From their proteins and cells to their or-
gans and systems, they carry messages that reveal the glory
of their creation. Every living species points to the existence
of an Almighty, Omniscient Creator possessed of an infinite
artistry and intelligence. That Creator is God, Lord of the