Page 13 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 13


                                     hen you observe this Earth we live
                                     on, you see that it is a wondrous
                       W place that meets all your needs in the
                       most perfect way. The bread, cheese, honey, meat,
                       fruits and vegetables you eat with their many dif-
                       ferent flavors; the water, milk and fruit juices you
                       drink; the air you breathe; your furniture and other
                       objects crafted of wood and glass and plastic; the
                       articles of clothing you wear; fossil fuels such as

                       gasoline, coal and natural gas that provide your
                       heating, transport and all kinds of energy require-
                       ments; the cats, dogs, trees and flowers you see
                       when you are out walking; the medicines and
                       remedies you take when you are ill; animals and
                       plants with their totally different structures and fea-
                       tures, the dazzling colors and perfect systems that

                       you see on the television; butterflies, birds and fish;
                       all matchless works of art; insects living in un-
                       spoiled forests and unexplored regions that you see
                       photographed in magazines and newspapers; roses,
                       lilacs, orchids, lavenders and violets, with their
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