Page 51 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 51
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
two-year period in a closed area of 13,000 square meters
(15,550 square yards) in size. 37 The system contained
"rooms" resembling such natural ecosystems as agricultural
areas, forests and seas. However, the project was a failure,
which disappointed a great many scientists. Joel Cohen of
Rockefeller University and David Tilman of Minnesota
University described the result of this initiative in an
article in Science magazine:
Despite the enormous resources invest-
ed in the original design and con-
struction (estimated at roughly
$200 million from 1984 to
1991), and despite a multimil-
lion-dollar operating budget, it
proved impossible to create a mate-
rially closed system that could support
eight human beings with adequate
food, water, and air for 2 years. The
management of Biosphere 2 encoun-
tered numerous unexpected problems
and surprises, even though almost un-
limited energy and technology were
available to support Biosphere 2 from
the outside. 38
Some of the unexpected problems