Page 52 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 52
The Error of the Evolution
of Species
that emerged in the facility between 1991 and 1993 and
made life impossible included a drop in oxygen levels to
14%, sudden rises in the carbon dioxide concentration, a
rise in the amount of nitric oxide sufficient to cause brain
damage, the disappearance of most of the living species (in-
cluding 19 of 25 vertebrate species and all pollinators
brought into the enclosure, which would have ensured the
eventual extinction of most of the plant species as well),
water pollution, excessive algae, and population explosion
of crazy ants, cockroaches and katydids. 39
Despite Biosphere 2's unique design and the impressive re-
sources employed in its construction, it was impossible for its
closed system to recreate the balances that have been oper-
ating flawlessly on Earth for millions of years. Therefore, it
was not possible to produce a self-sustaining environment
habitable by human beings, plants and animals.