Page 57 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 57
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)
These numbers do not represent the total number of liv-
ing organisms in a particular habitat, just the number of
species. Another astonishing fact is that in tropical rain
forests, according to some experts, millions or even tens of
millions of living things live in complete harmony and co-
Soil in tropical rain forests is generally thought of as be-
ing rich and fertile. Recently, however, it has been realized
that this is not so. In terms of nutrients, the soil is poor,
compared to that of other forests. How did such a great va-
riety of plants emerge from poor soil? The answer lies in the
perfection of the rain forest ecosystem.
The biodiversity in tropical forests has been created as a
whole, and is based on very delicate, complementary bal-
ances. For instance, consider the micro-organisms, minute
insects and fungi living on the forest floor. Their dimensions
are very small in comparison to the trees and animals, yet
they are responsible for cleaning the forest and making the
soil productive. They break down dead animals and leaves
and branches that fall from the trees, recycling them back