Page 60 - The Error of the Evolution of Species
P. 60

The Error of the Evolution
                                                 of Species

                       difficult for Darwinism. For this phenomenon, there is only

                       one explanation: The harmony between plants and animals
                       is a marvel of Creation. There is no chance of this system
                       developing over time through small random changes and
                       the mindless mechanisms of evolution.
                          Take, for example, the harmonious existence of the
                       hawk moth  Xanthopan morganii  and one species of
                       Madagascar orchid. To collect nectar, this moth extends its

                       proboscis, some 30 to 35 centimeters (11 to 13 inches) in
                       length, around 30 centimeters (11 inches) deep into the
                       body of the orchid, and thus enables it to be fertilized. In
                       order to reach and fertilize the ovary at this depth, the moth
                       needs a proboscis of just such a length, In other words, the
                       two species must be totally compatible with one another.
                          This represents a major dilemma for evolutionists, be-
                       cause it is impossible for these two different species to have
                       undergone a parallel process of evolution, much less at the

                       same time.
                          Let us assume that the ancestors of the Madagascar or-
                       chid and the Xanthopan morganii moth had had, respec-
                       tively, much shorter nectary and a much shorter proboscis.
                       (This is the assumption that must be made, according to the
                       theory of evolution.) In that case, both species would have
                       extended their parts simultaneously. The hawk moth and

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