Page 105 - The End Times and the Mahdi
P. 105
Their support for peace and preference
for diplomacy
The Prophet Solomon (as) was very peaceful, loving,
compassionate, and forgiving in his relations with neigh-
boring countries. He preferred to solve problems through
diplomacy and used democratic means. The Prophet
Solomon (as) created a superior culture and strengthened
his dominion through diplomacy, art, and culture. Despite
his irresistible and overwhelmingly powerful armies, how-
ever, he never used military force. Hazrat Dhu'l-Qarnayn
(as) was also known as the 'person who prevents strife and
disorder,' and brought peace and calm to people.
Therefore, the times of these two personages look strik-
ingly similar to the Golden Age.
In the Golden Age, people will become Muslims out of
their own will, Islamic morality will prevail worldwide,
and there will be no war. Accounts of this age say:
No one will be woken up from their sleep or have a bleeding
nose. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi
`Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 42)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will follow the way of the Prophet (saas). He
will not wake up a sleeping person or shed blood. (Al-Barzanji,
Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 163)
As these hadiths tell it, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will bring
Islamic morality and peace to the entire world and there-
fore end all war and violence. He will work to begin a cul-
tural transformation and lead people toward Islam's moral
code. During that time, with Allah's permission, the fol-
lowing verse will be realized:
When Allah's help and victory have arrived and you
The End Times and Hazrat Mahdi (as)