Page 108 - The End Times and the Mahdi
P. 108
Using Wealth and Splendor for Islam's
Benefit and Allah's Good Pleasure
The Prophet Solomon (as) used his wealth to explain
Allah's religion and spread Islamic morality throughout
the world. In the countries he invaded, he first called on
people to believe in Allah and guidance. The letter which
he sent to the Queen of Saba, in which he invited both her
and her people to Islam, is powerful testimony of that.
Hazrat Dhu'l-Qarnayn (as) also had strong dominion, as is
seen in his words: 'The power my Lord has granted me is
better than that.' (Surat al-Kahf: 95). He used his great
power to prevent disorder.
During the Golden Age, people will enjoy great wealth,
prosperity, and peace. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will use all of his
means to spread Allah's religion, and will follow the noble
morality and the dictates of peace in the countries he comes
victorious. His unparalleled practices will soften people's
hearts and lead them to Islamic morality. Thus, within a
very short time this morality will rule the world. Some of
the hadiths concerning this time are as follows:
There will be in my community a Mahdi, who will reign for
seven years, or eight years or nine years. My community will re-
ceive such benefits which they had never before experienced. The
skies will be opened up for them. The earth will not withhold
anything of its vegetation. (Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidaya Wa An-
Nihaya, 1/42; Ibn Majah, Fitan, 34, H. 4083)
... Before swearing allegiance, they will flood to him in droves,
and everyone who goes there will enjoy the Divine plenty. (Ibn
Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-
Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 25)
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)