Page 60 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 60

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

            possess any real perception are defined as blind and deaf in the
            Qur’an, even though they have no physical deficiencies. It is be-
            cause these people cannot properly comprehend reality in gen-
            eral, nor can they grasp the realities they see and hear. For
            example, they cannot see Allah’s greatness by looking at the
            perfect creation in the universe. Even if they do see it, they pre-
            tend not to have seen it, as they are thoughtless and do not listen
            to the voice of their conscience. Or they do not hear those who
            call them to the right path and explain to them the teachings of
            the Qur’an. Actually, they do hear them physically, but they go
            on living their lives heedlessly as if they had never listened to
            them. The situation they are in is explained in the Qur’an as:
                Among them there are some who listen to you. But can
                you make the deaf hear incapable as they are of under-
                standing? Among them there are some who look at
                you. But can you guide the blind, bereft as they are of
                sight? Allah does not wrong people in any way; rather
                it is people who wrong themselves. On the day We
                gather them together—when it will seem as if they had
                tarried no more than an hour of a single day—they will
                recognize one another. Those who denied the meeting
                with Allah and did not follow the right path will be
                lost. (Surah Yunus: 42-45)
               As can be understood from all these explanations in the
            Qur’an, by detaching people from their humanness, a lack of
            wisdom makes people unable to comprehend and see and hear
            realities. This is explained in other verses:
                We created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell.
                They have hearts they do not understand with. They
                have eyes they do not see with. They have ears they do
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