Page 62 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 62


                      s we mentioned in the earlier chapters, everyone has
                      the opportunity to be wise and make use of the good
            A things wisdom provides. To achieve this, he has to see
            the greatness of Allah and live his life in this world as His
            proper servant. One who comprehends this is following the
            most righteous path. Because the only guide that truly guides
            and shows the believer the right way is the Qur’an. Allah reveals
            all the things that block the mind and ways to overcome these in
            the Qur’an.
               The mind of someone who obeys Allah’s call is freed of all
            the filthy things that clog it up and it becomes clean and clear.
            The thing that provides this clarity of mind is the clear logic and
            ability to think righteously achieved by the Qur’an and having
            faith. A person’s understanding develops more and more as he
            becomes purified of ignorant people’s skewed logic and way of
            thinking, and the filth this type of life brings, and instead lives
            by the morals of the Qur’an. As he becomes freed of all ill-man-
            nered habits, he also becomes freed of the restraints on his
            mind, and so becomes one of the people of wisdom mentioned
            in the Qur’an. Failing this, his mind will be filled with obstacles
            and he will knowingly lead himself to ruin.
               In this section we will dwell on obstructions to wisdom men-
            tioned in the Qur’an. Also, we will present the solutions to these
            problems, which again are covered only in the Qur’an.
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