Page 67 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 67
Obstacles to Wisdom
world. Such people become blind to the proofs of the existence
of Allah Who has created them, and fall into a state of denial
without thinking of what they will face in the Hereafter as a re-
sult of their actions in this world. This is because these heedless
people cannot see the reality and intolerableness of Hellfire with
a clear consciousness and do not, by reflecting upon it, fear it.
Those who pretend not to understand their mistake in this
world, will deeply regret Hell when they are face to face with it.
That day the cover of heedlessness will be lifted and they will be
given the power to evaluate everything they did throughout
their lives with a clear consciousness. But, they will not have the
chance to compensate for their heedlessness, which they did not
try to correct even though they had been warned to do so many
times. It is stated in the verse:
When the True Promise is very close, the eyes of those
who have disbelieved will be transfixed and they will
cry out: "Alas for us! We were unmindful of this! No,
rather we were definitely wrongdoers". (Surat al-
Anbiya’: 97)
In Surah Qaf, the situation these people, who did not appreci-
ate the numerous blessings Allah gave them and preferred
blindness in the world, will face in the Hereafter is explained as:
The Trumpet will be blown. That is the Day of the
Threat. Every self will come attended by one who will
drive it on and by a witness: One will say "You were
heedless of this so We have stripped you of your veil
and today your sight is sharp". His inseparable comrade
will say, "My testimony is ready to hand". Then a voice
will cry: "Hurl into Hell every obdurate unbeliever".
(Surah Qaf: 20-24)