Page 68 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 68
As we can see in the verses above, it is great thoughtlessness
for a person to knowingly lead his life in a state that results in
destruction. The damage to the mind of one who has turned
away from the truth, despite the advice he has been given, will
negatively affect his life in this world and the Hereafter. It is for
this reason that Allah warns people against such dangers and
reminds them not to be seized by heedlessness:
Remember your Lord deep in your soul humbly and
fearfully, without ostentation, in the morning and in
the evening. Do not be one of the unaware. (Surat al-
A‘raf: 205)
Restrain yourself patiently with those who pray to
their Lord morning and evening, seeking His pleasure.
Do not turn your eyes from them, desiring the attrac-
tions of this world. And do not obey someone whose
heart We have made neglectful of Our remembrance
and who follows his own whims and desires and
whose life has transgressed all bounds. (Surat al-Kahf:
Warn them of the Day of Bitter Regret when our decree
shall be fulfiled. But they take no notice. They do not
believe. (Surah Maryam: 39)
Allah has enhanced the world with many blessings that are
pleasing to humankind. And has informed them that they can
use these however they want to. But, along with this He has told
them to be thankful for all these blessings and not to forget the
Hereafter by being too preoccupied with greed in this world.
This is because the life people lead in this world is not their real