Page 73 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 73
Obstacles to Wisdom
Whether they are aware of this or not, Allah creates events ac-
cording to a decree and with these events He tests people. So,
Allah creates every event a person faces throughout his life with
a motive and for a good reason. This is how Allah warns people
on this matter:
Allah alone has knowledge of what the heavens and the
earth conceal; to Him all things shall be returned. So
worship Him and put your trust in Him. Your Lord is
not unaware of what you do. (Surah Hud: 123)
… It may be that you hate something when it is good for
you and it may be that you love something when it is
bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (Surat
al-Baqara: 216)
One who believes these verses and comprehends that behind
every incident there is a hidden motive and benefit for him, is
one who has trust in Allah. Even if he faces a situation, which at
first sight seems to his disadvantage, he knows that this will
bring him good in this world and in the next and he acts on this
knowledge. Because he evaluates incidents with full trust in
Allah, his reasoning and judgement are in perfect shape, and as
a result he can make sensible evaluations. On the other hand,
one who has no faith in Allah forgets that Allah creates events in
order to test him and so becomes totally distant from rational-
We can explain the great difference between these two people
with an example. Let’s say that a factory goes on fire and the
owner of the factory forgets that this situation is controlled by
Allah and doesn’t think that there must be a benefit in this situa-
tion for him, so he begins to distrust Allah. And, one who does-
n’t trust Allah cannot think straight or take the necessary