Page 75 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 75
Obstacles to Wisdom
Romanticism is a way of life to which ignorant people see no
objection; rather it is a way of life they like and encourage. They
believe that, by looking at things romantically, life is enriched, as
it is made much more colourful and interesting. For this reason,
many movies, novels, and poems are given a romantic edge and
romanticists try to make people believe that romanticism has a
unique charm. However, the effect this has on people is to block
their minds and prevent them from thinking logically and in a
balanced way. This is because, romanticism totally disfavours
reason. It is a way of life that leads people to ignore realities, live
in a fantasy world, and think emotionally instead of reasonably.
One who submits himself to his emotions rather than his rea-
son, who allows his emotions to guide him, can neither think re-
alistically nor act logically. Let’s consider the individual who has
given himself up to jealousy—an attitude considered unaccept-
able by the teachings of the Quran. He will make aggressive out-
bursts as he can no longer analyse the situation he is in nor can
he evaluate others rationally. In like manner, someone who lets
his anger get the better of him cannot think clearly and may do
something he will later regret.
Similarly, one who becomes depressed as a result of romanti-
cism is totally distanced from rational thinking. As a result of the
state he is in, he can see only the negative sides of things and be-
comes plunged in melancholy.
The foul behaviour that is evinced as a result of romanticism
all have one point in common: they are the result of being far
from Allah’s religion and His book. This distance leads a person
into absolute loss, because it is not possible for him to advance,
achieve anything useful, or prevent something harmful where