Page 79 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 79
Examples of Thoughtlessness in Everyday Life
Moreover, he doesn’t see any harm in playing with stray cats
or dogs, which may be diseased for all he knows. In fact, most
cases of diseases, such as rabies are the result of such impru-
Such a person is not sensitive to sudden smells or noises. He
doesn’t realize the significance of such things, even if he does re-
alize it, he doesn’t pay attention to them, either because of his
unconcerned nature or because he cannot think of the dangers
that may ensue. However, his house could burn down or he
could be poisoned, because he cannot sense danger in the smell
of gas or he may be faced with a fire because he doesn’t respond
to the smell of burning in time.
He injures himself by careless behaviour, such as plugging a
wet plug into an outlet. He often suffers electric shocks because
he changes the light bulb or does electronic repairs without shut-
ting down the power.
He chops food very hastily with a very sharp knife. Because
he doesn’t calculate the possible injury, he cuts his finger.
Because he empties the dishwater with wet hands, the plates
slip from his hand. And because he attempts to pick up the bro-
ken pieces with his hands he cuts himself.
He doesn’t hesitate to open the door to a stranger and even
invite him in. As a result, he is assaulted or his house is burgled.
By placing a hot pan on a glass table, he may cause it to crack.
Or by placing a teapot on a wooden table he damages the sur-
When he is going on a road trip, he doesn’t think to take pre-
ventative measures in case his car breaks down. Even if he does
think of doing so, his arrangements are barely adequate. If he
fills up the fuel tank, he forgets to take a spare tyre or check the