Page 83 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 83


                                      BRINGS WITH IT

                 he biggest loss caused by thoughtlessness, without a
                 doubt, is the distancing of people from Allah’s religion.
         T People who move further away from religion also
         move further from Heaven and drift into a life of infinite Hell.
         The thoughtlessness of these people show them the right things
         as wrong, the wrong things as right, for which reason they think
         that the real life is the life in this world and they see the real life
         of the Hereafter as very remote. As long as they are in this world
         they do not try to earn Allah’s approval and His Heaven, and do
         not reckon that the torments of Hell will affect them. When they
         are faced with realities in the Hereafter, they voice their regret by
         saying: "We wish we had been wise" and they admit the huge
         loss thoughtlessness has caused them. This is how the Qur’an al-
         ludes to their regret:
             And the Day Hell is brought near, that Day man will re-
             member his deeds; but how will the remembrance help
             him? He will say, "Oh! If only I had been charitable in
             my lifetime!" (Surat al-Fajr: 23-24)
             If only you could see them when they are standing be-
             fore the Fire and saying, "Oh! If only we could be sent
             back again, we would not deny the Signs of our Lord
             and we would be true believers". (Surat al-An‘am: 27)
             They will say, "If only we had really listened and un-
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