Page 81 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 81
Examples of Thoughtlessness in Everyday Life
They especially use classical models in decorating their envi-
ronment. We could make a list of the details of decorative styles
people generally use.
As a thoughtless person doesn’t use his time wisely, it takes
him months to redecorate his house. Even the painting and
cleaning of a small house goes on for months on end. He cannot
evolve ways of doing tasks practically and efficiently.
One who doesn’t apply his wisdom doesn’t have any special
interest in art or decoration; he can live without making any
changes in his house for years. When he does eventually decide
to make some changes, the first thing he thinks of is to change
the fabric of the couches. He has no conception of moving the
furniture around or in any other way making his surroundings
more pleasant.
Even if he has a lot of opportunities, he cannot use them
wisely. Even if he buys the most expensive, highest quality fur-
niture, he cannot position it with any attempt at artistry.
Even if he succeeds in decorating his living space pleasantly,
he fails to make it a relaxed, comfortable, and a healthy place to
live in at the same time.
He cannot use his intelligence in the placing of his furniture.
He places breakable, glass vases at points where people can eas-
ily bump into them. Similarly, he doesn’t see any harm in using
sharp and pointed objects as decorative pieces, and he places
them where people can easily come into contact with them and
hurt themselves.
He cannot get rid of anything, even though he has too many
things. He tries to use old and new items at the same time. With
every new item he purchases, he crowds his house and his house
becomes even gloomier. He cannot realize the confusion that is