Page 88 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 88

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

            given to him because he possessed a certain knowledge.
                He said, "I have only been given these riches because
                of the knowledge I have". Did he not know that before
                him Allah had destroyed generations with far greater
                strength than his and far more possessions? The evil-
                doers shall not be questioned about their sins. (Surat
                al-Qasas: 78)
               Qarun’s fascination with wealth and thinking he possessed it
            because of himself was thoughtless behaviour, since the only
            real owner of wealth is Allah: He can give wealth to whomever
            He wills, whenever He wants and take it away whenever He de-
            sires. After Allah makes His decision, neither a person’s knowl-
            edge, wealth, nor possessions can change this decision.
               Here is where Qarun’s thoughtlessness was exposed. He
            acted with arrogance, thinking that his treasures would be able
            to save him in the face of Allah’s warning and punishment.
            Instead of thanking Allah by using this wealth in order to please
            Him, he tried to gain the respect of others with his possessions.
               Qarun’s thoughtless behaviour exposed the other thought-
            less people in his tribe, who looked at Qarun in the midst of his
            ostentatious wealth envied him and wanted to be in his place.
            People with wisdom, on the other hand, condemned their be-
            haviours by reminding them that meriting Allah’s approval was
            much better than all the magnificence and richness of the world:
                He went out among his people in his finery. Those who
                desired the life of the world said, "Oh! If only we had
                the same as Qarun has been given! What immense
                good fortune he possesses". But those who had been
                given knowledge said, "Woe to you! Allah’s reward is
                better for those who believe and act rightly. But only
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