Page 92 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 92

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

            Then Allah informed Nuh (as) that He would send down a dis-
            aster to destroy them:
                It was revealed to Nuh: "None of your people are going
                to believe except for those who have already believed,
                so do not be distressed at what they do. Build the Ark
                under Our supervision and as We reveal, and do not
                plead with Me concerning the wrongdoers. They shall
                be drowned". (Surah Hud: 36-37)
               The Prophet Nuh (as) built an ark as he was told by Allah in
            the above verse. Then, he brought believers and his family on to
            this ark at Allah’s command.
                When Our will was done, and water bubbled up from
                the earth, We said to Nuh, "Load into the Ark a pair of
                every species, and your family—except for those al-
                ready doomed—and all who believe". But those who
                believed with him were only a few. He said, "Embark
                in it. In the name of Allah it shall set sail and cast an-
                chor! Truly my Lord is Ever-Forgiving, and Most
                Merciful". (Surah Hud: 40-41)
               However, Nuh (as)’s son didn’t board the ark and chose to
            stay with the unbelievers. Nuh (as), who knew that Allah would
            drown them, warned his son to board the ark and not to stay
            with the unbelievers. However, his son insisted, saying that he
            would take refuge on a mountain and that the mountain would
            save him from this flood disaster:
                It sailed with them through mountainous waves, and
                Nuh called out to his son, who had kept himself apart,
                "My son! Come on board with us. Do not stay with the
                unbelievers!" He said, "I will take refuge on a moun-
                tain; It will protect me from the flood". He said, "There
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