Page 96 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 96

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

            not wait for hardship or death before he uses his reason. Allah
            reminds people in this verse that they need to act without wast-
            ing any time:
                Turn to your Lord and submit to Him before punish-
                ment comes upon you, for then you cannot be helped.
                Follow the best that has been sent down to you from
                your Lord before the punishment comes upon you sud-
                denly, when you are not expecting it. (Surat az-Zumar:
               It shouldn’t be forgotten that one who sees the truth by con-
            sulting his conscience can make amends for the situation he is
            in. But, anyone who insists on not using his reason will defi-
            nitely face the divine ire, having been led into regrettable acts
            that cannot be compensated for. In the following verse, the re-
            gret such people voice in the Hellfire is thus alluded to:
                "... Alas: I have disobeyed Allah, and scoffed at His rev-
                elations!" (Surat az-Zumar: 56)
               So this was what was intended in this book—to encourage
            people to do whatever they can right now in order not to face
            such a loss. With this purpose in mind, wisdom and thought-
            lessness have been compared right from the beginning of the
            book and readers have been informed of the relative gains and
            losses. And at the end of the book it has been recalled once
            more, that thoughtlessness distances people from faith and, be-
            cause of this, leads them into the torments of Hell. On the other
            hand, wisdom brings people to the blessings of Heaven. In
            order not to live with the guilt of thoughtlessness and a lack of
            conscience, everyone is invited once more to use his reason and
            find the right path.
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