Page 93 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 93
Examples of Thoughtlessness in the Qur'an
is no protection from Allah’s judgement today, except
for those He has mercy on". The waves surged in be-
tween them and he was among the drowned. It was
said, "Earth, swallow up your waters!" and, "Heaven,
hold back your rain!" The water subsided and His will
was done. The Ark came to land on al-Judi. And it was
said, "Away with the wrongdoers!" (Surah Hud: 42-44)
Without a doubt, it was not possible for Nuh's (as) son to es-
cape from the great waves and the mountain could not save him.
The thoughtless error Nuh (as)’s son fell into at this point was
not comprehending that no one but Allah could save him from
this calamity that He had sent down. Because, as it was Allah
Who created the waves, He also created the mountains and it
was He Who subjected them to Him. After Allah wishes to de-
stroy an individual or a community, there is no power or shelter
that can defy Him.
In fact, Nuh (as) reminded his son of the truth by saying,
"There is no protection from Allah’s judgement today except
for those He has mercy on" but his son did not take this impor-
tant advice into consideration. Even though he was warned, he
did not obey Allah’s messenger and, as a result of his thought-
lessness, he received his punishment by drowning under the