Page 273 - Hayvanlardaki Göç Mucizesi
P. 273
1- David Attenborough, The Trials of Life, ANa- 27- David Attenborough, The Trials of Life,
tural History of Animal Behaviour, William Col- s.122
lins Sons Co. Ltd., 1990, s.120 28- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.88-89
2- David Attenborough, The Life of Birds, Prin- 29- Giovanni G. Bellani, Quand L'oiseau Fait
ceton University Press Princeton, New Jersey, Son Nid, s.36
s.67 30- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.97-103
3- Science 364-366, 12 Ekim 2001; Bilim ve 31- John Downer, Supernature, The Unseen
Teknik Dergisi, Kasım 2001 Powers Of Animals, s.93
4- John Downer, Supernature, The Unseen Po- 32- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.98-99
wers Of Animals, Sterling Publishing Company, 33- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.46-47
NewYork, 1999, s.80 34- Bilim Teknik Dergisi, Ekim 2003, s.66-67
5- John Downer, Supernature, The Unseen Po- 35- David Attenborough, The Trials of Life,
wers Of Animals, s.60 s.123
6- David Attenborough, The Life of Birds, s. 60 36- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.109
7- 37- (2 Haziran 2003) (Nature 421, 60 - 63
ta/migratio/perils.htm (2003); doi: 10.1038/nature01226, True navi-
8- gation and magnetic maps in spiny lobsters,
ta/migratio/stimulus.htm Larry C. Boles And Kenneth J. Lohmann, De-
9- David Attenborough, The Trials of Life, s.126 partment of Biology, University of North Caroli-
10- John Downer, Supernature, The Unseen na, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA,
Powers of Animals, s.93-94 Correspondence and requests for materials
11- John Downer, Supernature, The Unseen should be addressed to L.C.B. (e-mail: LBo-
Powers of Animals, s.121
12- http://www.npwrc.usgs.govresource/othr- 38- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.113
data/migratio/when.htm 39- Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni, Onur Ya-
13- yınları, Beflinci Baskı, Ankara 1996, s. 273
data/migratio/altitude.htm 40- 'Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of
14- John Downer, Supernature, The Unseen Charles Darwin, Cilt.II, New York:D. Appleton
Powers Of Animals, s.122 and Company, 1888, s. 111
15- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, A Weldon 41- Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni, s. 310
Owen Production, Fog City Press, 2000, s.85 42- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.121
16- The Magazine of Science and Discovery, 43- David Attenborough, The Trials of Life,
Focus, Eylül 2003, s.67 s.130-131
17- 44- Görsel Bilim ve Teknik Ans., Cilt 5, s.1784
data/migratio/perils.htm 45- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.128
18- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.36 46- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.161
19- "Loxodrome", Encyclopædia Britannica, 47- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.138-142
Expanded DVD Edition, 2002 48- Animal Behavior, Phychobiology, Ethology
20- and Evolution, David McFarland, Oxford Uni-
le.html versity Press, 1986, sf:253
21- 49- Harika Canl›lar 1, Belgesel film (VCD),
data/migratio/segregat.htm Okur Yap›mc›l›k.
22- 50-
mospheric/aerodynamiclift.html hants/Life_Cycles/life_cycles.html
23- 51- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s. 200
rum/ASF5/559.html 52- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.201
24- 53- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.216
data/migratio/evolut.htm 54- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.178
25- 55- John Owen, Fantastic Journey, s.183
mospheric/aerodynamiclift.html 56- Pulse of the Planet, American Museum of
26- John Downer, Supernature, The Unseen Natural History, September 1999; http://
Powers Of Animals, s.40-41