Page 247 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 247

Adnan Oktar

      DNA Double Helix
                            THE COMPLEX STRUCTURE OF THE DNA

         Exon              Histone             themselves coded in DNA: the code
                                               cannot be translated otherwise than
                  Section     Introns
                                               by products of translation themselves.
                                              It is the modern expression of omne vi-
                                               vum ex ovo [All life comes from an
                        SOME OF THE COMPLEX        egg]. When and how did this cir-
                       PROCESSES IN THE CELL         cle become closed? It is exceed-
                                      Methylation     ingly difficult to imagine. 188
                                                          Another Nobel Prize
                                                   winner, the French scientist
                                                 Andre Lwoff, states that every

                                                      molecule inside the cell is a
                                                        component of an inter-
                                                          connected whole:
                                             RNA Destruction
                                                           An organism is a sys-
                                                           tem of interdependent
                        Intervening                       structures and functions.
                                  SIRC                   It consists of cells, and the
                                  (complex protein)
                                                      cells are made of molecules
                                                   which have to cooperate smooth-
                                                     ly. Every molecule must know
                                    Crude  "Chaperone
                                    Protein  " Protein  what the others are doing. It
                               Protein                 must be able to receive mes-
                                                       sages and act on them. 189
                                                          Probability calcula-
                                        Protein     tions show that complex
                               Protein in        molecules such as proteins and
                               active state
     Mitochondrial DNA                      nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) cannot
                                      form one by one as the result of chance. For
                                   evolutionists, however, an even greater prob-
                                   lem is that these molecules need to be present
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