Page 248 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 248

Harun Yahya


                                              all together, and at one and the same
                                            time, for a cell to function and life to
                                              exist. This places the theory of evolu-

                                               tion in a completely hopeless posi-
                                                tion, as is admitted from time to
                                                 time by evolutionists.
                                                      One of these is Douglas R.
                                                  Hofstadter    from     Indiana
                                                  University, a professor in a num-
                                                 ber of fields:
                                               "How did the Genetic Code, along with
                                              the mechanisms for its translation (ri-
                                               bosomes and RNA molecules), origi-
                                                 nate?" For the moment, we will have
                                                     to content ourselves with a sense
                                                           of wonder and awe, rath-
                                                              er than with an an-
                                                                 swer.  190
                              Large ribosome

                                                           Protein chain being

                                                                           The claim of a
                                                 tRNA establishes a      transition from a
                                                 bond with mRNA.
                                                                        primitive cell to a
                                                                        complex one is a
                                                                      fantasy. All the com-
                                                                    plex molecules neces-
                                                                   sary for life must co-ex-
                                                                    ist at exactly the same
                      Small ribosome
                      sub-unit.                                    time. If the cell is to sur-
                                                                    vive, it is essential that
                                                                     the system exist as a
                                                                    complete and flawless
                                                                    whole, with all its com-
                                                                      ponents intact, right
                                                                       from the very start.
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