Page 258 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 258

Harun Yahya


                   victions. . . All present approaches to a solution of the problem of the or-
                   igin of life are either irrelevant or lead into a blind alley. Therein lies the
                   crisis. 205

                   The structure of the DNA molecule also confirms the impossibili-
               ty of the chemical evolution scenario because when left to itself, the
               DNA molecule loses its stability. External factors can easily impair the
               molecule's structure. To a large extent, DNA is stable inside the cell be-
               cause that it is monitored and repaired by specialized enzymes.
                   It is impossible for the DNA molecule to remain stable and pre-
               serve its structure outside the cell, while swimming in the primeval
               oceans, as evolutionists claim. On the contrary, in the supposed prime-
               val ocean, the molecule would be impaired far more quickly than the
                                                     rate at which it was synthe-
                                                          sized.  206  Thaxton, Dr.
                                                             Roger L. Olsen and
                                                                Prof. Walter L.

                                                                  Bradley men-
                                                                  tion how the
                                                                   substances es-
                                                                    sential for life
                                                                     could   not

                                                                     It is possible to
                                                                     speak of DNA's
                                                                     existence only
                                                                     when the cell is
                                                                     present in fully
                                                                     complete form,
                                                                     with all its or-
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