Page 106 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 106

Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
                                       Second Coming

                     3. A Great Battle between the Tigris and
                                       the Euphrates

                              There will be a city called Zawra
                           [Baghdad] between the Tigris and the

                            Euphrates. There will be a great bat-
                            tle there. Women will be taken pris-
                                oner, and men will have their
                            throats cut like sheep. (Muntakhab

                               Kanz al-`Ummal, vol. 5, p. 38)

                    Quite likely, this hadith calls attention to the Iran-Iraq war. As
                mentioned above, there were many great clashes between these two
                Muslim countries. Heavy bombardments reduced villages, towns,
                and cities to rubble. Women, elderly people, and children lost their
                                    lives. The mass graves uncovered after the war
                                       revealed that the casualties were far higher
                                        than anticipated.

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