Page 58 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 58

Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
                                       Second Coming

                Muslims join together to fight these problems on an intellectual level.
                The world's current social structure makes an alliance between Islam
                and Christianity inevitable. Considering Christianity's influence over
                the West and its leaders, the influence that an alliance between Islam
                and Christianity would have is clear enough for all to see.

                      The Hadiths on Jesus Are "Tawatur"
                    The hadiths relating Jesus' second coming are reliable [tawatur].
                Research shows that scholars share this view. Tawatur is defined as "a
                tradition which has been handed down by a number of different
                channels of transmitters or authorities, hence supposedly ruling out
                the possibility of its having been forged." 8
                    Sayyid Sharif al-Jurjani, an Islamic scholar, explains the concept
                of tawatur hadith as follows:

                    News of mutawatir, are the news upon which so many transmitters
                    agree; to such an extent that, according to the tradition, it is unlikely for
                    so many transmitters to reach to a consensus on a lie. This being the sit-
                    uation, if statements and meanings agree with one another, then this is
                    called mutawatir lafzi [verbal mutawatir]. If there is common meaning
                    yet contradiction between statements [words], then it is called mute-
                    watir-i manawi [mutawatir by meaning]. 9

                    In his Al-Tasrih fi ma Tawatara fi Nuzul al-Masih, the great hadith
                scholar Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri writes that the hadiths
                about Jesus' second coming are all reliable, and quotes 75 hadiths and
                25 works by companions of the Prophet and their disciples (tabi'un).
                    In the Sunni school of Islam, Imam Abu Hanifa is the greatest
                collector of hadiths on Jesus' second coming. In the final part of his Al-
                Fiqh al-Akbar, he states that:

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