Page 63 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 63

God’s Promise:
                                  Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Will Return

                  Imam Kawthari also stated his views regarding Prophet Jesus'
              (pbuh) coming as follows:

                  The tawatur in the hadiths regarding Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second com-
                  ing is mutawatir-i manawi. Aside from the fact that each one of the sahih
                  and hasan hadiths may indicate different meanings, they all agree upon
                  Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming. This is actually a fact which is im-
                  possible to deny for a person who is well acquainted with the knowl-
                  edge of hadith... The hadiths related to the appearance of Mahdi and
                  Dajjal and Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming are tawatur; it is cer-
                  tainly not an issue that is considered doubtful by experts on the hadith
                  literature. The reason why some who deal with Ilm al-Kalam (science of
                  theology) agree that it is essential to have faith in the hadiths related to
                  the signs of Doomsday yet have doubts about whether some of these
                  hadiths are mutawatir or not, is their inadequate knowledge about ha-
                  diths. 13
                  The great Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir states his views after com-
              menting on the related verses and explaining the related hadiths:
                  These are narrated from the Messenger of God (saas) as mutawatir and
                  in these hadiths, there are explanations regarding how and where
                  Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will appear...The authentic and mutawatir hadiths
                  about Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) return to Earth in his noble body is immune
                  to any opposing interpretations. Consequently, everyone with the
                  smallest speck of faith and fairness has to believe in Prophet Jesus'

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