Page 89 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 89
Portents of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
Godhead, the secret society of the Antichrist (Dajjal) will overturn civi-
lization and subvert all of mankind's sacred matters. A zealous and self-
sacrificing community, known as a Christian community but worthy of
being called "Muslim Christians," will work to unite the true religion of
Jesus (pbuh) with the reality of Islam, and will kill and rout that society of
the Antichrist, thus saving humanity from atheism. (Bediuzzaman,
Risale-i Nur Collection, The Letters, 29th Letter)
… "He will be so powerful and long-lived that only Jesus (pbuh) will be
able to kill him (the Antichrist); nothing else will be able to." That is, it will
only be a revealed, elevated, pure religion that will be able to overturn his
way and rapacious regime, and eliminate them. Such a religion will
emerge among the true followers of Jesus (pbuh), and it will follow the
Qur'an and become united with it. On the coming of Jesus (pbuh) and the
emergence of the true Christian religion, the Antichrist's irreligious way
will be wiped out and will cease. The Antichrist's person could otherwise
be killed by a mere germ or by influenza. (Bediuzzaman, Risale-i Nur
Collection, The Rays, Fifth ray, Fifth point)
What Bediuzzaman calls the "true Christian religion" is none other
than Islam. This becomes more apparent when his other explanations
are considered. Indeed, the hadiths also inform us that Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) will rule with the Qur'an, eliminate the superstitious beliefs of
Christianity, and gather humanity under a single religion: the morality
of Islam.
As can be seen from all of these statements, Prophet Jesus (pbuh)
and the Dajjal will be on the Earth at the same time. For that reason, just
as with the portents of Doomsday and the Mahdi's coming, the portents
regarding the Dajjal also foretell Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming.
In the following sections, we shall study the portents of the Dajjal in
some detail, as they also indicate that Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) return is
close at hand.
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