Page 86 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 86
Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
Those Who Oppose The Messengers
In the Qur'an, God revealed the following: "In this way, We have
assigned to every Prophet an enemy from among the evildoers …"
(Surat al-Furqan, 25:31). Thus, given that God's Messengers have al-
ways been opposed, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) also will face enemies
when he comes again. At the head of those enemies, of course, will be
the one who leads the deniers and "plots evil actions" (Surat an-Nah,
The prophetic hadiths describe that individual as the Dajjal
(Antichrist), a word that in Arabic means "liar; fraud; one who con-
fuses hearts and minds, good with evil, divine religion with supersti-
tion; who conceals the true face of things; and a trouble-maker and
accursed person who wanders everywhere." The Dajjal, the name
given to a great negative power, will appear in the End Times. The ha-
diths usually portray the Dajjal as a person; however, it may also refer
to an ideology that tends toward violence and oppression and that
has devilish characteristics.
In the end times, when extraordinary events will take place, the
Dajjal – one of the fiercest deniers of all time – will be the enemy of
God's Messenger and will seek to install a satanic system. In fact, our
Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) has described the
enormity of the tribulation caused by the Dajjal in these terms:
"Since the birth of Adam (pbuh) until the advent of the Last
Hour, there is no fitna [tribulation] much greater than that of
the Dajjal." (Sahih Muslim)
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