Page 83 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 83

Portents of Jesus’ (pbuh)
                                      Second Coming

                           Imam Rabbani:
                      In another hadith, our Prophet spoke thus: "The
                      Companions of the Cave will be the helpmates of
                      Jesus." Jesus will descend to Earth at the time of the
                      Mahdi. The Mahdi will join with Jesus to destroy the
                      Antichrist (Dajjal). During the time of his rule, the Sun
                      will be eclipsed on the fourteenth day of Ramadan, and
                     during the first part of that day, the Moon will grow dark.
                     These occurrences will be contrary to custom and the as-
                     trologers' calculations." (Maktubat [Letters of Rabbani],
                     vol. 2, p. 380; Maktubat [Letters of Rabbani], pp. 1162-63)

                     "Athousand years later, the coming of the Mahdi is for this.
                     Our Prophet gave the glad tidings of his holy coming. Jesus
                    will appear after a thousand years have passed." (Maktubat
                    [Letters of Rabbani], vol. 1, p. 209;  Maktubat [Letters of
                    Rabbani], p. 440)
                         The Mahdi will appear shortly before Prophet
                   Jesus (pbuh) and wage an intellectual struggle within the
                 Islamic world. He will bring those Muslims who have
               strayed from Islam's essence back to true faith and moral values.
             According to the Hadith literature, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will pri-
             marily address the Christians and the Jews, free them from their su-
             perstitions, and call them to live by the Qur'an. As Christians abide
             by Prophet Jesus (pbuh), the Muslim and Christian worlds will come
             together in a single faith. As a result, the world will enjoy a period of

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