Page 80 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 80
Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
"Praise be to God, Who has favored us over
many of His servants who are believers."
Solomon was David's heir. He said: "O hu-
manity, we have been taught the speech of
birds and we have been given everything.
This is indeed clear favor." (Surat an-Naml,
As we have seen thus far, God has, from
time to time, supported His Messengers with
others. Our Lord will also support Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) with a holy individual. According
to the prophetic hadiths, this person will be the
The word "Mahdi" means "he who leads to
the truth." Our Prophet (may God bless him
and grant him peace) states that God will send
a servant to do away with the chaos that will
emerge during the End Times and to lead peo-
ple to salvation. The prophetic hadiths tell us
when and where he will appear, what he will
do, and that he will act together with Prophet
Jesus (pbuh).
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