Page 76 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 76

Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
                                       Second Coming

                              Us. Moses said to him: "May I follow
                              you on the condition that you teach me
                              some of the right guidance you have
                              been taught?" (Surat al-Kahf, 18:65-66)
                                  God also supported Prophet
                              Abraham (pbuh) with Prophet Lot
                              (pbuh), who came to believe in
                              Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) message:
                              He [Abraham] said: "You have adopted
                              idols apart from God as tokens of mu-
                              tual affection in this world. But on the
                              Day of Rising, you will reject one an-
                              other and curse one another. The Fire
                              will be your shelter. You will have no
                              helpers." And Lot believed in him. He
                              said: "I am leaving this place to follow
                              the pleasure of my Lord. He is the
                              Almighty, the All Wise." (Surat al-
                              `Ankabut, 29:25-26)
                                  We can see another example in
                              Prophet Mohammed's (may God bless
                              him and grant him peace) life:

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