Page 77 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 77
Portents of Jesus’ (pbuh)
Second Coming
If you do not help him [it does not mat-
ter, for] God helped him when the unbe-
lievers drove him out and there were
two of them in the cave. He said to his
companion: "Do not be despondent.
God is with us." Then God sent down
His serenity upon him and reinforced
him with troops whom you could not
see. He made the word of unbelief the
lowest … (Surat at-Tawba, 9:40)
God also supported Prophet David
(pbuh) with a servant. The Qur'an tells
us about Prophet David (pbuh) and
Saul, who was sent as a king, in the
following verses:
Their Prophet said to them [the
Children of Israel]: "God has
appointed Saul to be
your king." They
said: "How can he
have kingship over
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