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278                       Eine historische Lüge: Die Steinzeit

             24.  Philip Cohen, “Open Wide,” New   33.  David Brewster, “Queries and Statements
                 Scientist, Ausgabe 2286, 14. April 2001,  Concerning a Nail Found Imbedded in a
                 S. 19                                Block of Sandstone Obtained from
             25.  Glynn Isaac, Barbara Isaac, The     Kingoodie (Mylnfield) Quarry, North
                 Archaeology of Human Origins,        Britain,” Annual Report of the British
                 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  Association for the Advancement of
                 1989, S. 71; C.B.M. McBurney, The    Science, 1844, S. 51
                 Haua Fteah (Cyrenaica), Cambridge:  34.  Baigent, Ancient Traces, S. 14
                 Cambridge University Press, 1967, S. 90  35.  John Baines, Jaromir Malek, Eski Mısır
             26.  Vadim N. Stpanchuk, “Prolom II, A   Medeniyeti, Istanbul:  letişim Yayınları,
                 Middle Palaeolithic Cave Site in the  1986, Introduction
                 Eastern Crimea with Non-Utilitarian Bone  36.  William Howells, Getting Here: The Story
                 Artefacts,” Proceedings of the Prehistoric  of Human Evolution, Washington, D.C.:
                 Society 59, 1993, S. 17-37, S. 33-34  Compass Press, 1993, S. 229
             27.  Paul Mellars, The Neanderthal Legacy,  37.
                 Princeton: University Press, 1996, S. 17;  38.  Rudyard Kipling, The Elephant's Child,
                 Vadim N. Stpanchuk, “Prolom II, A    aus Just So Stories, 1902;
                 Middle Palaeolithic Cave Site in the
                 Eastern Crimea with Non-Utilitarian Bone  phant.htm
                 Artefacts,” Proceedings of the Prehistoric  39. Stephen Jay Gould, “Introduction,” in
                 Society 59, 1993, S. 17-37, S. 17    Björn Kurtén, Dance of the Tiger: A Novel
             28.  “Neandertals Lived Harmoniously,” The  of the Ice Age, New York: Random
                 AAAS Science News Service, 3. April  House, 1980, S. xvii-xviii
                 1997                              40. Stephen Jay Gould, “The Return of
             29.  Ruth Henke, “Aufrecht aus den Bäumen,”  Hopeful Monsters,” in The Panda's
                 Focus, 39. Ed., 1996, S. 178         Thumb: More Reflections in Natural
             30.  Elaine Morgan, The Scars of Evolution,  History, [1980], London: Penguin, 1990,
                 New York: Oxford University Press,   Nachdruck, S. 158
                 1994, S. 5                        41. Simone Waisbard, in The World's Last
             31.  Chi, April 2005, S. 46              Mysteries (2. Edition), Reader's Digest,
             32.  Michael Baigent, Ancient Traces:    1978, S. 138
                 Mysteries in Ancient and Early History,  42. Graham Hancock, Santha Faiia,
                 England: Penguin Books, 1999, S. 10-11  Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost
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