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280                       Eine historische Lüge: Die Steinzeit

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                 History of the Animal Language       1936, S. 24
                 Controversy,” Cognition, 19, 1985, S.  76.  P. Le Page Renouf, The Hibbert Lectures,
                 281-282                              1879: Lectures on the Origin and Growth
             69.  Derek Bickerton, “Babel's Cornerstone,”  of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of
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                 1997, S. 42                          1879, London: Williams and Norgate,
             70.  Richard Dawkins, Unweaving the      1880, S. 91
                 Rainbow, Boston: Houghton-Miflin Co.,  77.  Sir Flinders Petrie, The Religion of Ancient
                 1998, S. 294                         Egypt, London: Constable, 1908, S. 3, 4
             71.  Wendy K. Wilkins and Jennie Wakefield,  78.  Edward McCrady, “Genesis and Pagan
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                 Preconditions,” Behavioral and Brain  Victoria Institute, Vol. 72, 1940, S. 55
                 Sciences 18 (1) 161-226           79.  Max Müller, History of Sanskrit Literature:
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                 Social Order, London: Pluto Press, 1996,  in Prehistoric Times, University of
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             73.  Stephen H. Langdon, Semitic Mythology,  81.  Review auf Irene Rosenzweigs Rituale uns
                 Mythology of All Races, Vol. V, Archaeol.  Kulte des vorrömischen Iguviums von
                 Instit. Amer., 1931, S. xviii        George M. A. Hanfmann, American
             74.  Stephen H. Langdon, The Scotsman, 18.  Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 43, Nr. 1,
                 November 1936                        Jan.-Mär. 1939, S. 170, 171
             75.  H. Frankfort, Third Preliminary Report on  82.  Tim Folger, “From Here to Eternity,”
                 Excavations at Tell Asmar (Eshnunna): zi-  Discover, Vol. 21 Nr. 12, Dezember
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